Cool Maker Embossed Antique Drill Bit Indexer From Ebay

Cool Maker Embossed Antique Drill Bit Indexer From Ebay Finding vintage and cool unique tools is something for which I am forever on the hunt for. One of my favorite hunting sites is called Collectors Weekly. What they post within articles, ebay feeds and as a general search is mind boggingly great. Forget the notion of wasting time, instead think about time well spent on an amazing site. Get over there daily and find your particular rabbit hole to slide down into. Original ebay post Maker embossed to the ' New Process Twist Drill C-Taunton, Mass' . Substantial size at 6 x 1 inch. Some smallish casting voids around the bottom outside - cosmetic - see photos. The smallest hole does have the remains of a bit, so would have to be drilled out if bits are to be added. If no bits, then fine for display. Overall excellent plus collector condition. Buyer will be very pleased with this rare old drill index... The best damn drill bit holder we have ever seen Bottom side of cast metal...