Hillbilly Philly: The Ladies of Philly�s Indie-Country-Western Music Scene
�My motto is to not let old men in�tim�id�ate you. Just throw an el�bow. I wouldn�t be half the lady I am now if I didn�t make them make room.� Birdie Busch (B Philly Photography) Bro-coun�try may still be a slick, pree�m�in�ent sub-genre with�in coun�try mu�sic�s rur�al firm�a�ment and tanned, brawny dudes such as Kenny Ches�ney pack sta�di�ums with their gen�tle�manly jive. Yet, in the middle of June�on the same week Dolly Par�ton sold out the Mann and Dixie Chicks, the BB&T Pa�vil�ion�South Philly�s once-and-former bas�tion of bar�room C&W, Boot & Saddle, hos�ted a re�cord re�lease party for bit�ter�sweet Emily �Bird�ie� Busch. The long�time Philly-folk-coun�try queen, who re�leased her first re�cord in 2006 ( The Ways We Try ), stood on the crammed tight stage de�b�ut�ing her sixth al�bum�the psy�che�del�ic-tinged Thun�der Bridge �with her el�eg�ant nu�anced voice and her strangely subtle av�ant-hill�billy band be�side her. �I love how ec�cent�ric coun�try mu�