Billy Don Burns Set To Release Brand New Album - Graveyard In Montgomery

� � � Every CD order will put you in the drawing to win the original art for the album cover. This only lasts for two weeks, up until the release of the album on Dec. 16th 2016. To be eligible, pre-order now. If you order one cd, its one entry. Two cd's equals two entries, etc. This does not apply to buying digital downloads though. The drawing for the winner will be held after the weekend Dec. 16th. � � �

Order your copy now

"I was on my way to do some gigs in Alabama and Florida, heading down I-65 through Montgomery. Once again I was telling myself, �Don�t stop at Hank�s grave.� After so many trips there over the years, I had the itch to stop in once again. Twenty times, at a minimum is how many times I have walked into that graveyard. While driving, I keep telling myself, �Don�t stop, This is crazy.� Then before I could even change my mind, I rolled right on into Montgomery, made the turn and there I sat in front of his grave.

It was one hell of a storm going on. Lightning, rain, and thunder all around and there I was, alone in that graveyard. My drug addiction was peaking the red line. I fired up a hit of dope, got out of the car with my guitar, and wrote a verse of a song. I keep thinking lightening was going to strike my sick ass. Me and my guitar were soaked. I got back in the car, and finished the song. I was pretty messed up, but played a gig in Alabama that night.

The following day I stopped at a studio in Tallahassee and laid the song down. Soon after, my old, tired and troubled ass married wife #5 in Carrabelle, Florida and the song Graveyard In Montgomery was fully done. Just another day in the life of a honky tonk singer. - Billy Don Burns"


1. Neon Circus
2. Graham Parsons, Hank Williams & Me
3. This Broken Heart of Mine
4. I Need Something Real
5. The Last Thing On My Mind
6. Graveyard In Montgomery
7. Trying To Get To Memphis
8. Dead or Alive
9. Bullet Train
10. End Of The Road
11. Hey Willie

Art print for album release, limited to 50 copies

Brand new Billy Don Burns tshirt design

Detail on tshirt artwork for Billy Don Burns new album, Graveyard In Montgomery

Billy Don Burns - Graveyard In Montgomery album cover


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