Big Husky Burnette 2017 News!

Hey folks, Husky Burnette has lots of upcoming music and  tour trash to talk about, so let's get started...

More shows, more tours!

After taking a break from playing so much, and moving to the great state of Colorado, Husky Burnette is back at it!

He has a handful of gigs coming up around Northeast Colorado, until mid March; a short run through Texas in late March; and a tour from April-June, around the Midwest/East Coast!

Check the tour dates for your city!

In music news!

Husky Burnette is planning to release a new single called, "Honey Child".

It's a duet Caroline and Husky wrote, and they're extremely excited to get it out. Look for it soon!

Husky Burnette has also been writing new material for a new album! He will hit the studio in Pittsburgh very soon. Look for the new album on Rusty Knuckles!

Husky is also recording  a split 12" LP, with speed-rockin' pals "Six Speed Kill!." They're collaborating on a song, Whiskey Trippin', full of dirty rock n roll,  slide guitar, and distortion explosions! They are all  damn excited about this project! More details to come as they hammer it out.

New website and new merch!

Thanks to Michelle and Zooma Design, Husky Burnette has a new website up. Updates include streaming music, merch store, easier mailing list sign-up, and a lot more! 

Husky Burnette also has new merch, thanks to LoveLace Art & Design! Some of the new items include bandanas, shop rags, panties for the ladies, and weed grinders for the stoners.

Also, be sure to hit up the store page for all Husky Burnette and Rusty Knuckles CDs, shirts, belt buckles and more! 


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